Monday, May 26, 2008


I had once read somewhere tht there lies a lot of difference in being Alone & being Lonely.

Alone somehow is more about dependability on urself and lonely somehow is more abt dependability on others. Dependability with your emotions, dependability about your company. And space lies somewhere between being alone & lonely.

The war of SPACE has prolonged for too long now & still there exist some creatures created by the ALL MIGHT [y] who do not seem to understand the exact term.

I shall try and make an attempt to do just the same. Reduce the descrepancy!!! Duh ah!!

So, to begin with Space according to is nothing but "extent or area in two dimensions; a particular extent of surface: to fill out blank spaces in a document."

So here is a catch.... Blank spaces in a document.... Resembling much like your life... But just with a different twang to it.
Space is probably abt being there for each other at the right time & one leaving alone when needed.
So why do ppl to be left alone?? Obviously To discover themselves!!!!!!!
Its important to know oneself... to evaluate onself... For oneself and for another... Often relationships break not because they could not know other person better manner but because they simply failed to understand themselves.

Well lets see... U can have another dimension to it as well... It can be inviting the other into your space... This happens with your own will... this could include doing the things tht u do alone with another...

But then it could still hold for a concept of space in space... Let the other intrude with the ease of shoving him the way out... A true relationship would call for understanding of the fact that U need to go away to come back.. U need to stop in order to start again... Nothing is just as constant & things cant go on forever...
There are whims, there are fancies.. there is all this weirdness that goes along with a personality that in order 2 be in an ideal relationship u need to go along with all those fancies ONLY WHEN CALLED FOR...

People like me generally prefer to be lost in their own world But this definitely does not mean they like being alone... They love company most of the times... But its just tht they want to be left alone when called for... And that art of leaving alone is probably SPACE... This aspect of leaving one alone could mean or almost means leaving one on their own mostly at the good times... Ppl who demand space could or most of the times can need a helping hand around when in need...

So you see there is this nuance between SPACE & being lonely or left alone...



Anonymous said...

well...nice adoptation from "Osho".... why dont you research a bit on the concept "paradigm shift"???

S.H said...

I loved this piece by you.I just realised that the closeness we share is the 'space' we give each other.
love you.
your lonely roomie :)

Snehal Vaidya said...

Well Anoynomous.. this is not an adoption from Osho..

DIAMOND said...

gr8 analysis and gr8 communication about space, alone, and loneliness!!......I would like to read more on possessiveness, jealously...why gal want to be loved all the time and at the same time say dont be possesive?

DIAMOND said...

Its important to know oneself... to evaluate onself... For oneself and for another... Often relationships break not because they could not know other person better manner but because they simply failed to understand themselves.
..............this point is appreciating

Snehal Vaidya said...

:)) Thnx again Vipul.. :)) m glad u appreciate it..